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STS Faculty

Prof. Yang Xiaohua (杨晓华)
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  Prof. Yang Xiaohua (杨晓华) is a Professor of Applied Linguistics in the School of Translation Studies and a member of the Academic Council at Xi’an International Studies University. She has been a certified Fulbright Visiting Research Scholar in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She specializes in and engages herself in Chinese literary translation research, sociology of translation, and translator education. She teaches cultural translation, genre translation and translation theories. She has conducted and completed research projects granted by Shaanxi Education Department and Shaanxi Social Science Fund. She has also published a number of essays including The Framing of the Sociology of Translation, Problem-based Translation Teaching and co-translated A History of Reading into Chinese which was awarded the Tenth Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Prize in 2012.  
